course will guide users making the transition from Autodesk Inventor
2011 to 2012. After completing this course, users will learn to use the
enhancements user interface, including the Marking Menus, Enhanced
Mini-Toolbars, Dynamic Sectioning, and Custom User Interface Forms.
Describe sketching and modeling enhancements including enhancements to
data import and export. Also learn about enhanced interoperability with
AutoCAD and other 3D formats as well as new Sustainability tools.
1. User Interface and Productivity
Course Introduction, User Interface and Productivity, Inventor Help Experience, Marking Menu Introduction, Marking Menu Procedure, Marking Menu Project, Dialog Boxes, Select Other - Behavior, Enhanced Mini-Toolbars, Enhanced Mini-Toolbars Procedure, Dynamic Sectioning, Dynamic Sectioning Procedure, Dynamic Sectioning Project, Visual Styles Description, Visual Styles Procedure, Visual Styles Project, Extended Feature Names, Extended Feature Names Procedure, Extended Feature Names Project, High Speed Drawing Views, Change View Orientation, Rotate Drawing Views with Sketches, Drawing Views Procedure, Drawing Views Project, Origin Mark for Ordinate Dimension Sets, Wizard to Copy iLogic Designs, Custom User Interface Forms, Custom User Interface Forms Project
2. Enhanced Modeling
Enhanced Modeling, 2D Sketch, 2D Sketch Project, Boundary Patch Command, Boundary Patch Command Procedure, Boundary Patch Command Project, G2 Variable Radius Fillets, G2 Variable Radius Fillets Procedure, G2 Variable Radius Fillets Project, Edit Alias Freeform Body, Edit Alias Freeform Body Procedure, Edit Alias Freeform Body Project, Mirror Fillets, Mirror Fillets Project, Face Draft Enhancements, Face Draft Enhancements Project, Display Failed Feature, Display Failed Feature, Procedure, Boss Enhancements, Boss Enhancements Project, Project to 3D Sketch, Project to 3D Sketch Procedure, Project to 3D Sketch Project, Rib Enhancements, Rib Enhancements Project, Sweep Along Edge, Sweep Along Edge Procedure, Sweep Along Edge Project, Design View Representations in Parts, Design View Representations in Parts Procedure, Design View Representations in Parts Project,
3. Interoperability
Interoperability, AutoCAD Import, Updated Translators, Model Repair Tools, Rhino File Translation, Rhino File Translation Procedure, Rhino File Translation Project, BIM Exchange, OmniClass Table, BIM Exchange Procedure, BIM Connectors, BIM Connectors Procedure, BIM Project,
4. Sustainability
Sustainability, Eco Materials Adviser, Eco Materials Adviser Project
Detail course contents & cost involved.